The eyes are very useful parts of the body responsible for sight or seeing. This organ is very delicate and should be well taken care of, and protected as much as possible. Nevertheless, there are several diseases or ailment that affect this organ. The worst case scenario that can happen to the eyes is complete blindness. As different ailments can have different effects on the eyes, complete blindness is not the only negative or resulting effect of eyes diseases. There can be partial blindness or poor sight sometimes.
A good example of a partial loss of vision is cataract. Cataract is a kind of partial loss of vision due to the clouding of the eye lens. This causes about fifty percent of the world's blindness scenario today. Cataract itself is not or does not cause complete blindness, but when it refused to be taken care of, it can lead to total loss of sight. In order to cure cataract kind of blindness, cataract surgery is simply done and implantation of intraocular lens.