Women do play hockey, and while some have played in the Olympics and other amateur events, there are still no women playing in the NHL in purely NHL games not as a part of a charity event or any other exhibition. Not that there is a written rule stating that women cannot play in the league, but none have actually tried out and been selected for the team. While there are women’s leagues in the United States, there are no female players in the NHL, the most widely known league. In places like Canada, there is at least one women’s leagues. The Canadian Women’s Hockey League (CWHL) or the National Women’s Hockey League (NWHL), which was a predecessor to the CWHL.
Hockey has been around in this country since the turn of the last century, and as the names have evolved to NWHL and then the CWHL, the game became a part of the Canadian sports scene. The CWHL actually was created from a model developed from the National Lacrosse Team after owners were losing money in the NWHL a few years ago. Players, rather than give up the love the sport, would formed the CWHL, and while it does not have nearly the interest that the NHL does, it has afforded women the chance to play the sport.