There are a lot of speculations that Google’s Fuchsia is being developed alongside Apple’s Swift. Some reports about it are being made probably because Fuchsia has just added Apple’s Swift but if people would be asked about it, most of them do not know why. The possible reason for this is because Fuchsia would like to make sure that this is an OS that will work on all sorts of platforms.
This means that it will have some features that can be used by all platforms which are not yet available right now. Android can only be used in Android phones and iOS can only be used by Apple users. Time will tell if Fuchsia would be highly successful.
John F. connor, Content Marketing executive, MA, Minsk,Poland
Answered Feb 08, 2019
Yes and no. It is true that Fuschia developers have added Apple's Swift to the system, but no-one yet knows why. Given that Swift is a general-purpose, multi-paradigm.
Compiled programming language and the thrust of development of Fuschia is that have an operating system that works on all platforms, isn't it likely that the distinctive features in all their detail will be something that Fuschia developers will want to study and probably replicate? So Yes it has been added but No, so far, that Fuschia will end up using Swift.