Canada has less gravity than it is supposed to which explains why you will weigh less when you are in Canada. You should realize that gravity is not constant throughout the earth’s surface. It might seem like gravity is the same, but the location of the place will always play a huge role in how strong the gravitational pull is going to be.
According to some reports, this can be because of the ice that can be found in certain portions of Canada that has not melted all the way through. This can make gravity a little less effective here as compared to different parts of the world.
John F. connor, Content Marketing executive, MA, Minsk,Poland
Answered Feb 08, 2019
Yes, this is a curious feature about the Hudson Bay area of Canada. There is a degree less gravity, as was discovered in the 1960s when scientists were charting the Earth's global gravity fields. They discovered found a weakness, although slight.
This would amount to something like a tenth of an ounce for someone weighing 150-pound. There are two explanations for this phenomenon: convection in the Earth's mantle, and the melting of the Laurentide Ice Sheet.