The sun is very helpful in making sure that the planets will stay in their orbits. Without the sun’s gravitational pull, it is likely that the different planets will be lost in space. The different planets may reach other areas that have not been studied before.
Life on earth will probably die because it would pull away from its main heat source aside from the revolution of the earth around the sun, that allows people to understand the concept of time and days better. The sun also allows the moon of the earth to stay in orbit because the moon can affect the tides that the earth experience.
The sun's gravity is 28 times that of the Earth's. The more mass an object has, the stronger its gravity will be. Therefore the sun attracts the Earth towards it and the sun's gravity is responsible for the Earth's regular orbit through the solar system.
The Earth travels at a velocity that approximates the force the sun exerts on the planet, resulting in a regular orbit. The variation in the strength of the sun's gravitational pull from the side of the earth facing towards the sun to the part facing away is partly responsible for the tides of the ocean.