Neutrons can be found near the nucleus. They can be found in the center portion of the atom. They are usually found together with the protons as they are meant to stick together while the electrons can be found a little outside the side of the nucleus. There is proof that neutrons exist because they are usually able to change the mass of the atoms.
Their weight is as much or is heavier than the combined weight of both electrons and protons. The neutrons are very important to the atom because they are in charge of making sure that the atom remains stable. They can also prevent the protons from repelling one another.
The Neutrons are found within the atomic structure and function as one of the three particles within the atom. But in nature, Neutrons are found everywhaere as Atoms are the foundation and the building block of all nature. Everything in the universe is made up of Atoms and you will find Neutrons wherever you find Atoms.
Things in nature that are solid have lots of atoms within them, densely packed. But gases that are loosely organized have less atoms and thus less Neutrons by way of the atoms. Thus, we find Neutrons within everything we see all around us.
Neutrons can be found inside the nucleus and usually, neutrons are together with protons. All atoms have neutrons except for Hydrogen as this only contains a proton and an electron. Though neutrons have a neutral charge, they are as important as the other two particles. If an atom has the same number of protons (+) and electrons (-), the atom will have a neutral charge since the positive and negative particles canceled each other out.
Adding hundreds, thousands, and even millions of neutrons will not change the charge of that atom but will be dangerous. A great amount of neutrons in an atom makes it unstable and must release the excess internal energy in the nucleus. And the only way to release the excess in a fast process is by an explosion.