A carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide that is released into the atmosphere by the activities of an individual, community, or organization. A carbon footprint can be on a minute stage of an individual or family activities, or even on a broad level of a community, an organization, an event, or a country's activities. These activities can be in different ways; they can be social activities, home activities, transport activities, and majorly industrial activities.
For instance, in the home, carbon is released, especially in the form of the carbon dioxide compound. This has more to do with the Africa continent especially as many holes in Africa still make use of charcoal, gathering of wood at home for cooking, plus the use of lantern to generate light at night. All these release a particular level of carbon into the atmosphere. This can be calculated as the amount of carbon print in a home. The use of automobiles and industrial machines also are calculated as part of carbon print.