There are several types of airplanes, depending on the basis on which you classify them. Recently, it was said that there about thirty-nine thousand airplanes in the world, excluding the light aircraft. Records also reveal that there have been over fifteen thousand airplanes in the world since the inception of airplanes manufacturing and usage. Airplanes vary from commercial airplanes to private jets, propeller planes, military planes, and more.
The commercial planes include the jumbo passenger jets, light passenger jets, cargo airplanes, mid-sized passenger jets, passenger turboprops, and more. The types of private jets include Very Light Jets (VLJ), mid-sized business jets, military jets, light business jets, heavy business jets, and few more. The propeller planes types include the military turboprops, aerobatic, private single-engine, amphibious, twin turboprops, and others. Airplanes can also be classified by considering their weights. There are some planes that are lighter than air, while others are heavier than air.