I have compassion for Automobiles and I dig the fast pace while I ride or drive.
A. Boaz, Mechanical Engineer, Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, Atlanta, Georgia
Answered Dec 11, 2019
The key traits of agroforestry include; Intensive, Interactive, Intentional, and Integration. These aforementioned keywords are important characteristics of agroforestry. Agroforestry practices should start with an intentional act. This includes various types of designs on how to go about the planting of trees, rearing of animals, and how both can be of great importance to each other. Agroforestry practices are carried out intensively so as to ensure its proper management.
Proper monitoring is given to most of its operations so that maximum results can be achieved. Operations like Irrigation, fertilization, are usually planned for. One of the major characteristics of agroforestry is the combination of plant and animal units in such a way that a particular type of interaction is created between the two components. The reality of this brings so many advantages as you are definitely going to get more income from it. The integration of both plant and animal units is another characteristic of agroforestry.
Anika Nicole, Wordsmith, PG In Journalism, New York
Answered Dec 03, 2019
The four I's that are key traits in agroforestry are: Intensive, Intentional, Integrated, and Interactive.
Agroforestry is INTENSIVE in the sense that it intensively manage protective and production methods. It also includes operations like fertilization, irrigation, and cultivation.
Agroforestry is INTENTIONAL in the sense that trees, crops, and animals are intentionally managed and designed as a complete unit rather than as a single individual unit.
In agroforestry, the animals, trees, and crops are INTEGRATED into a single unit. Integration can be horizontal, vertical, above, and below the ground.
The agroforestry is INTERACTIVE. It manipulates biological and physical interaction between animals, trees, and crops to enhance productivity.
There are four key characteristics that are available in agroforestry. These four are the following: Intentional, Intensive, Interactive, and Integrated. As we know, agroforestry is a current practice that is slowly becoming known all over the world. It is proposing different methods that are meant to make crops grow better as compared to how they are growing right now.
Through some highly specific methods, it will be easier for plants to grow and at the same time, the carbon impact of agriculture will also be lessened. The methods can be good for farmers as they can gain more crops and they will also be good for the environment.
I cannot perceive agroforestry practices or ideals as 'traits' and is that a lower case l or capital I? ie the four ells or four eyes look the same in print. Neither makes sense to me. However, here are the main points for agroforestry. It combines agriculture and forestry practices to create diverse, productive, profitable, healthy, and resilient land-use.
These systems reduce damage to soils and produce food and timber for the population. Agroforestry increases bio-diversity by planting more species and creating or renewing habitats.It reduces our dependency upon chemical pesticides and fertilisers. It adds and and stores carbon in the soil.