Agroforestry has been around for thousands of years some dating the practice back as far 13,000 BC in a fishing community in a tropical region. In Europe, the practice became popular when domestic animals were introduced for feeding almost 9,000 years later. Then, some 4500 years ago in Spain the practice of dehesa was used by farmers. Over time, the practice has been adopted by different cultures.
In recent times, agroforestry has been connected to the green movement of the 1970s because it is believed to be sustainable practice that promotes biodiversity and reduces the impact of farming on the planet. In fact, currently many countries in Asia, North and South America, Africa, and Europe use agroforestry.
The practice has become so popular that on a global scale it has been incorporated into the national agricultural agendas around the world. One of the reasons is because it can feed large populations and produces biomass fuel.