This particular topic is a very sensitive one, even 46 years after Roe v. Wade. In many countries around the world, abortions are outright banned. However, many other countries around the world provide some form of planned-parenthood services.
Typically, countries who have socialized medicine provide gynecological care for women, and countries like the United States provide care through insurance or social welfare programs. To receive an abortion, there are usually guidelines associated with how long a woman can wait before receiving an abortion. Usually, women can have an abortion in the first trimester of pregnancy, but any time after that they have to meet certain requirements (i.e. complications) to receive permission to get one.
The rules vary on when an abortion is illegal, but most countries have established standards for when and under what conditions a woman can have an abortion.
As for abortions being free, there are actually only less than ten countries that provide free abortions. Cape Verde, Finland, Luxembourg, Belgium, Sweden, Canada, and just recently, Ireland provide free abortions. A woman can get an abortion for free in the United States if they qualify for public assistance.