Abortions are generally safe and most women won’t experience any complications or health challenge. There is only a small risk that abortion will lead to a bad effect on your health. The possible bad effects of abortion can vary from woman to woman. It is important to be aware of the following possible risk associated with abortion.
Heavy or persistent bleeding: bleeding after abortion is normal. However, if the cervix or uterus is punctured, there is a risk of heavy bleeding, if this happens, a blood transfusion is required.
Perforation and scarring of the uterus: during the process, the uterus may be severely damaged by abortion instruments; it may also cause permanent scarring to the uterine lining.
Infection: some part of the conceptual product can remain in the womb, this can lead to infection and further treatment may be required. The infection can be treated with the use of antibiotics.
Damage to the cervix: The cervix may be torn during the process and this may lead to excessive bleeding.
Damage to other organs: if the uterus is punctured, there is a risk that nearby organs like the bladder and the bowel may be damaged.
Death: In extreme cases, complications from abortion may lead to death.