Which is the most influential figure of the age of Exploration? - ProProfs Discuss

Which is the most influential figure of the age of Exploration?

Asked by J. Pollock, Last updated: Sep 04, 2024

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F. Ray

F. Ray

F. Ray
F. Ray, Student, Kansas City

Answered Jan 08, 2019

Many influential figures contributed during the Age of Exploration. No one can be singled out as the most influential figure. Here is a short list of some important influential figures at the time.

Many influential figures contributed during the Age of Exploration. No one can be singled out as

Christopher Columbus: he explored the Caribbean and the coast of Central and South America. Hernan Cortez: a Spanish conquistador who defeated the Aztecs and also conquered Mexico Vasco de Gama: he was the first to reach India by sailing around Africa. Bartholomew Dias: he was the first to go round the Cape of Good Hope below AfricaFerdinand Magellan: he led the Spanish expedition of 1519 to 1522 that was the first to sail around the world. Other important figures are: Henry Hudson, Amerigo Vespuci, Fracisco Pizzaro, Pedro Alcvares Cabral, Prince Henry the Navigator and many others.

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