The major technologies invented during the Age of Exploration include:
Caravel: it is a ship with distinctive shape; it was invented by Portuguese explorers who explored the West African coast and the Atlantic Ocean. It was of great importance during the Age of Exploration. Mercator’s projection: a type of map projection was invented in 1569 by Gerardus Mercator Sextant: was invented in the 16th century. It was used by sailors to make accurate readings of the latitude of their ships and also to find the angle between a star or planet and the horizon.
Astrolabe: it is said that the astrolabe is one of the most important invention of the Age of Exploration. It was used by explorers to determine the local time, latitude, locate position of Sun and Moon and to measure the angles of stars. An early astrolabe was invented in 150 BC. It was introduced to Europe from Islamic Spain.