Why did the Dutch not capture John Paul Jones when he landed without - ProProfs Discuss

Why did the Dutch not capture John Paul Jones when he landed without a flag?

Asked by J. Pollock, Last updated: Aug 07, 2024

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M. Kennedy

M. Kennedy

M. Kennedy
M. Kennedy, Web Content Writer, Denver

Answered Dec 26, 2018

John Paul Jones was the naval commander during the American Revolutionary War. He commanded his troops to fight off the Serapis. The Serapis was a ship by the British used by their navy to fight. Jones was on the USS Bonhomme Richard and both ships started to battle.

John Paul Jones was the naval commander during the American Revolutionary War. He commanded his

As Jones’s ship began to lose the battle, Jones’s strategy was to get the ships so close together that they become attached.

So, that is what he did. Another American ship began to fire upon the ships. After the battle, Jones went onto the Netherlands. The Dutch did not capture Jones because Jones was able to use the Serapis flag to look like he belonged to the British. Also, the Dutch did not recognize the United States.

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