A way of attempting to acquire information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an illicit email, often with links to a fraudulent, look-alike site, often infected with malware
Phishing is a type of online fraud in which a scam artist uses an e-mail or website to illicitly obtain confidential information. Phishing scams frequently involve a copycat website designed to mimic that of a reputable company, often a bank or other financial institution, asking users to transmit sensitive data.
Someone at ROI recently received a very convincing phishing email purporting to be from Wells Fargo, attempting to get the receiver to click on a link which almost surely had malicious intent. If you suspect that an email is phishing, do not open any attachments, do not click any links, and if you havent opened the email yet dont. You may forward the email to
[email protected], or delete it. Contact NetOps about the email. See Simons email memo from 1/26 for ways to determine if the email is legitimate.