There are two schools of debate on this topic. Since no debate has enough proof to be considered superior, the answer I’m about to give is my personal opinion and hence should be taken as such. And my answer is NO!
AI cannot solve problems human can’t. Yes, it is a proven fact that AI can execute algorithms that are hard even for living human geniuses, but forgetting the fact that AI is just a line of 1s and 0s on a silicon chip has created a phenomenon of ‘AI solutionism’. People do feel that AI would self develop algorithms and find cures for cancer, solutions for world hunger and attain consciousness. What people fail to understand is that AI is eventually a set section of computer codes. It will perform tasks it has been created for. Those tasks, it might perform better than any human can but doing something that humans can’t is another story altogether.
Humans and animals alike have a feature called a neural network. The nerves responsible for all the feelings, thoughts etc cannot be made for an AI. Sure neural networks in AI are in their experimental phases but they are far from being able to work properly. Human neural network in particular has a certain trait called imagination. That is something an AI won’t be able to do. The irony is that AI solutionism is possible due to human imagination and overestimation. The best AI can do is make business processes streamlined, help in business strategies and military fields but AI cannot solve problems that cannot be solved by humans.