How is seabed mining done? - ProProfs Discuss

How is seabed mining done?

How is seabed mining done?

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Asked by M. Jabrowsky, Last updated: Aug 10, 2024

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Matz Lewis Clark

Matz Lewis Clark

Traveler and writer by profession.

Matz Lewis Clark
Matz Lewis Clark, College student, Graduation, Orlando

Answered Dec 06, 2018

Sea bed mining is the process that involves extracting minerals from the sea floor by dredging sand or lifting materials. There are two known forms of extraction from the seabed. The continuous line bucket system and the hydraulic suction system.

The continuous line bucket system is preferred for nodule collection. It is done by running from the sea floor to the surface of the sea where a ship or the mining platform extracts the mineral. Hydraulic suction mining is done by lowering a pipe to the seafloor which transfers nodules up to the mining ship. Another pipe runs from the ship to the sea floor to the area of the mining site.

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