Health comes first, and I happen to know a lot about health.
B. Mary, Health Care manager, MHA(Master's In Healthcare Administration), Raleigh, North Carolina
Answered Oct 08, 2019
To know about pregnancy pains, the woman must be pregnant. Whether a first-time mom or a mom of five, when a woman is pregnant, they will experience some type of pain. This is because the body goes through a lot of changes to make room for the baby. One pain that many women experience early on is cramping.
This pain is why some women don't realize they are pregnant because they mistake the cramps for menstrual symptoms. Another common type of pain that pregnant women experience is round ligament pain, which occurs later on during the pregnancy. It is sharp pains that are getting the body prepared for labor.
John F. connor, Content Marketing executive, MA, Minsk,Poland
Answered Feb 08, 2019
Pain is a very common complaint for pregnant women. Their body undergoes a lot of change to accommodate a growing foetus. And thus they could experience pains like cramping (the uterus expanding), gas or bloating, round ligament pain and constipation.
Apart from this pain could be because of a pending miscarriage, placental abruption, preterm labor, preeclampsia or ectopic pregnancy which needs immediate medical attention. If the pain is affecting one’s breathing, speech and locomotion, if it lasts more than few minutes or with vomiting, chills and heavy blood flow then medical help should be sought for as these are not normal pains.
Some methods to ease the normal pain of pregnancy is to eat small meals at different times of the day, practice deep breathing, regular exercise, do the pelvic floor physiotherapy, include fiber rich foods into your diet, fix your posture by using the maternity belt, drink water and rest well.
A woman who is an expecting mother usually feels pain in different areas of the body as many changes occur. The body adapts to accommodate the life that is beginning in the womb. Pregnant women usually feel pain around the groin or abdomen area. These are the first areas that expand that makes the pregnant woman uncomfortable. Headaches and morning sickness are also felt during the first trimester.
Sometimes these pains cause the pregnant women vomit or fever. If you know someone or are living with a pregnant woman, be mindful of these symptoms so you can help her to take a rest or give medications to ease the pain she is feeling.