Which statement by the nurse would best help alleviate parental guilt? The community nurse visits the home of George. a child recently diagnosed with autism. The parents express feelings of shame and guilt about having somehow caused this problem.
€œThe specific cause of autism is unknown. However. it is known to be associated with problems in the structure of and chemicals in the brain.â€
This statement is factual and does not cast blame on anything the parents did or did not do.Option A: The parents are not questioning whether other children will be affected; their concern is directed to the current situation and their feelings about it.Option C: Lack of prenatal care may be a risk factor in pervasive developmental disorders. but it is not the cause of autism.Option D: Although it is thought that there is a genetic component in autism. research has not identified specific genes. and there is no diagnostic test for this. The statement is misleading and would not alleviate guilt.