1. Intruder/Sensed Presence: the feeling that there is a person or being in the room with you. Includes the old hag, and is hypothesized to be the explanation behind alien abduction stories.
2. V-M or Unusual Bodily Experiences: includes feelings of shrinking, buzzing, vibrating, falling, floating, etc.
3. Incubus: the hallucination that you are having trouble breathing, and/or that there is immense pressure on your chest or a person holding you down, possibly including pain.
4. Auditory Hallucinations: beeping, buzzing, roaring, white noise, voices, bits of music, etc.
5. Visual Hallucinations: aka imagery. Colors, scenes, abstract shapes, etc.
*If you guessed three, you are not incorrect. Often times auditory, tactile, and visual hallucinations are grouped into the sensed presence category. However, because these are frequently experienced without a sensed presence, here they have been considered their own categories, while tactile hallucinations such as buzzing have been considered unusual-bodily-experiences.