Which drug parameters can be determined from this cumulative frequency distribution?
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A new beta-blocker was tested in voluntary subjects. The cumulative frequency distribution of subjects showing a decrease of 10 BPM in the heart rate, was plotted against the log dose.
14)Learning objective: describe the drug parameters that can be determined from a quantal
log-doThe cumulative frequency distribution of subjects showing a desired effect is called quantal log
dose response curve. From this curve, the dose that can produce that effect in 50% of
individuals (called median effective dose) can be read on the abscissa.
A) Affinity is the tendency of a drug to bind to a receptor. It can be measured by plotting the
fraction of receptors bound by drug, against the log of the concentration of drug. It cannot be
measured with a quantal log dose-response curve.
C, D) The therapeutic index is a ratio between the toxic (TD50) and the effective (ED50) dose of a
drug. The therapeutic window is the interval between the minimum effective dose (ED1) and the
minimum toxic dose (TD1). In order to measure these variables, two quantal log dose-effect
curves are needed.
E) Maximal efficacy is the maximal effect a drug can produce. It can be measured with a grade
log dose-effect curve, but not with a quantal log dose-effect curve.se effect curve