What physiological response primarily may be prevented by avoiding straining on defecation? A nurse discourages a patient from straining excessively when attempting to have a bowel movement.
Straining on defecation requires the person to hold the breath while bearing down. This maneuver increases the intrathoracic and intracranial pressures. which can precipitate dysrhythmias. brain attack. and respiratory difficulties; all of these can be life threatening. The loss of the voluntary ability to control the passage of fecal or gaseous discharges through the anus is caused by impaired functioning of the anal sphincter or its nerve supply. not straining on defecation. Fecal impaction is caused by prolonged retention and the accumulation of fecal material in the large intestine. not straining on defecation. Although straining on defecation can contribute to the formation of hemorrhoids. this is not the primary reason straining on defecation is discouraged. Hemorrhoids. although painful. are not life-threatening.