Emergency department triage is an important nursing function. A nurse working the evening shift is presented with four patients at the same time. Which of the following patients should be assigned the highest priority?
A patient with abdominal and chest pain following a large. spicy meal.
Emergency triage involves quick patient assessment to prioritize the need for further evaluation and care. Patients with trauma. chest pain. respiratory distress. or acute neurological changes are always classified number one priority. Though the patient with chest pain presented in the question recently ate a spicy meal and may be suffering from heartburn. he also may be having an acute myocardial infarction and require urgent attention. The patient with fever. headache and muscle aches (classic flu symptoms) should be classified as non-urgent. The patient with the foot injury may have sustained a sprain or fracture. and the limb should be x-rayed as soon as is practical. but the damage is unlikely to worsen if there is a delay. The childs chin laceration may need to be sutured but is also non-urgent.