An organ system is a group of a body organ that works together to perform functions in the body. Each organ in the body is made of distinct tissue, and they do different works in the body. The human body consists of 11 different organ systems. We have different body organ systems example is the circulatory system which includes the heart, veins, arteries, and capillaries; the integumentary system consists of external organs such as skin, hair, fingernail.
The skeletal system is made up of all the bones in the human body. The muscular system consists of the cardiac, smooth, and skeletal muscles. The respiratory system is made up of breathing organs such as the lungs, diaphragm, trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles. The digestive system consists of the stomach, livers, esophagus, and intestine.
The urinary system consists of the bladder, ureters, kidney, and urethra. The endocrine system is in charge of producing hormones. The reproductive system includes the sex organs. The immune system is the defense system. The nervous system includes the brain, spinal cord, and nerves.