This long-standing American TV drama series has captured the heart of viewers over other competing popular shows. It offers clever, dense, hard-boiled dialogue rather than the more typical American choice of cheesy, sentimentality.
The several and diverse characters who are celebrating their 36th birthday are all reaching crossroads that are likely to resonate with many families. Viewers' passion for fashion is satisfied by the enviable residences shown.
We predict that these thirty somethings will be linked up somehow. There's a brother and sister, a tracking down of a biological father, a weight problem, triplets, so enough drama to keep eyes on the set.
The jokey style which has a cynical edge nevertheless serves to reaffirm human nature/ The general style is sharp and funny, so when it suddenly gets emotional it has an element of surprise and the show does not tie up its narrative loose ends so viewers are left with cliff-hangers. Overall, it's an escape from dire real news to something cosy and warm and sincerely compelling.