Biomechanics is the science that applies the simple Newtonian laws of physics to gait related activities. There are various analytical experiments that are done with the help of biomechanical theories.
The main use of biomechanics in sports for analysis of an athlete’s physical abilities and learning how the performance of such an athlete might be improved.
Concisely speaking, Sports Biomechanics comprises of four important analyses
The optimal technique for enhancing athlete performance.
Finding the safest method to help the athlete play well and avoid injuries.
Identifying the capabilities of an athlete’s muscles to help determine the necessary diet and exercise patterns
Analysing an athlete’s abilities with various sports and exercise equipment.
We will take a case study to explain these points further. We’ll consider gymnastics for our sport for scrutiny.
Biomechanics is applied extensively in gymnastics. Gymnasts are observed carefully and there are always methods to help them increase their flexibility. The food intake of gymnasts is maintained carefully and they must always follow a strict diet. If a gymnast cannot perform a particular stretch, his/her exercise is changed slightly to accommodate the stretch.
Gymnasts belong to various body types and hence this aspect of theirs is also tested to analyze what moves they can and can’t do. Gymnast clothing is specially designed for least amount of resistance and friction and the required amount of flexibility.
Gymnasts are trained how not to damage their muscles during extremely tough movements. Every move a gymnast does is carefully observed to see if it can be damaging to their muscles in any way. This helps in avoiding injuries on the field.