The standard unit of measurement of electric power is Watts. The word "watt" was chosen to serve as the unit of measurement of electric power in order to honor the inventor of steam engines, James watt. A Watt is equivalent to one ampere under the pressure of a volt. A Watt also describes the smallest amount of electric power.
The power consumption of devices is what determines how much electric power they will need to operate. This means some devices only need a small amount of Watts to become functional, while others need more Watts to operate. In smaller devices, the unit of measurement of electric power remains Watt.
However, the unit of measurement of electric power in larger devices is KiloWatts. It is important to note that 1000 Watts is equal to one Kilowatt. In some instances, you can also have something like megawatt (1000KW), gigawatts (1000GW).