Converting from decimal into a fraction requires that you carefully follow some steps. These steps are not too hard to comprehend as long as you are following each step. When you are converting from decimal to fraction, the first step to take is to write out the decimal and divide it by 1. After which you multiply both the numerator and the denominator by ten if there's only one number after the decimal point, if you have two digits after the decimal point, you multiply both the numerator and the denominator by 100.
Therefore, you continue to do this to the numerator and the denominator as you have a new number after the decimal point. According to this question, you can easily convert 0.125 into a fraction by following the steps given above. For example, you start by dividing 0.125 by 1, after which you multiply both the numerator and the denominator by 1000 because there are three numbers after the decimal point. Therefore, we have 125/1000. You can divide this further into the purest form to give 1/8