I have compassion for Automobiles and I dig the fast pace while I ride or drive.
A. Boaz, Mechanical Engineer, Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, Atlanta, Georgia
Answered Oct 08, 2019
Medicines have many purposes and can be used for a variety of different health conditions, ranging from a simple common cold to helping with cancer symptoms. Being that medication is used for different things, the time of day it is used will vary upon the medicine that is being taken.
Sometimes, the medicine may say on the bottle or bag that it comes in when to take it, such as "Take one a day in the morning." If not, it may be to the discretion of the patient. However, if a patient is concerned about when to take medicine, they should reach out to their doctor.
Medications are taken at different times of the day. It is best to follow specific instructions given to you by your doctor, pharmacist or health care provider. Your doctor knows your medical history, he/she knows and understand the best treatment for you so follow the prescription and schedule time to use the medication as given to you by your doctor.
Many people stop taking their medications when they begin to feel better, it is important to complete full treatment in order to deal with the root cause of your diagnosis and to achieve the desired result.