A postpartum client has a temperature of 101.4?F. with a uterus that is tender when palpated. remains unusually large. and not descending as normally expected.
The data suggests an infection of the endometrial lining of the uterus. The lochia may be decreased or copious. dark brown in appearance. and foul smelling. providing further evidence of a possible infection.Option B: All the clients data indicate a uterine problem. not a breast problem. Typically. transient fever. usually 101?F. may be present with breast engorgement. Symptoms of mastitis include influenza-like manifestations.Option C: Localized infection of an episiotomy or C-section incision rarely causes systemic symptoms. and uterine involution would not be affected.Option D: The client data do not include dysuria. frequency. or urgency. symptoms of urinary tract infections. which would necessitate assessing the clients urine.