The largest animal is the blue whale at about 98 feet in length and 220 tons. When a baby blue whale is born, they weigh up to three tons and measure about 25 feet. After that, they will gain about two hundred pounds a day for the first year. They can grow up to up to one hundred feet and weigh up to two hundred tons.
Their hearts and other parts of the body are rather large, and the spray from their blowhole is also impressive. During the twentieth century, the whaling industry was put into jeopardy by whale hunters. In 1966 that the International Whaling Commission banned the hunting of blue whales. The biggest land animal is the African bush elephant, which can be up to twenty-four feet, and weigh in at eleven tons.
Their trunks alone can lift objects of more than four hundred pounds. African bush elephants are herbivores and consume roughly three hundred and fifty pounds of vegetation daily. Out of all the species, they are pregnant the longest. The females give birth to their babies after twenty- two months of gestation. These beautiful creatures have also been targeted, and they are now considered an endangered species.