E. Barnes, Professional Gamer, Professional Gamer, Washington
Answered Jun 13, 2019
A contract closeout occurs when a contract has met all its administrative actions and have been completed all problems solved and final contractor payment and lessons learned. These administrative actions include properties, security, parents, and royalties under contract.
Some conditions have to be met before a contract can be close; these conditions include that there cannot be any loose ends left, and also no need to renew the contract or amend it. Contract staff is responsible for keeping records and closing all contracts.
Contract closeout occurs when a contract is met all the terms of the agreement, and all administrative activities have been completed, all disagreements settled, and final payment has been made. The executive activities that are contractually required would be property security patents and royalties. There must be unrelenting certainty that all the terms of the agreement have been met.
There cannot be any loose ends left untied. There also needs to be no intent to renew the contract or amend it contract staff must close out the deal, and they are responsible for documenting all closeout requirements. All the variables within the contract should be met, and all the elements should be fulfilled to close a contract. Contract closeout may only occur after the final contractual payment has been reached, and administrative closeout has been achieved.