Mr. Keating, played by Robin Williams, is the main character is the 1989 movie, “Dead Poets Society,” The film takes place at an elite boy’s boarding school in Vermont. In the Fall of 1959 several young men are introduced and taken aback by their English teacher, John Keating. Mr. Keating encourages his students to embrace life and make every day and every experience extraordinary.
He encourages individuality, trying new things, and not fearing being oneself, no matter what and to him, the purpose of education is to think for yourself. It is unfortunate that the old practices hold fast, a student is removed from the school, and he commits suicide. There is a cover-up of the exact scenario regarding the student’s death, Mr. Keating is blamed for the situation and is released from his position.
As he leaves the school the students rally around him and tell them that they were forced to sign a letter blaming him for the boy’s death; however, he leaves with the truth, which helps him realize that he was not involved in the event.