It is certainly a tough ask. Both types of diabetes are harmful in their own ways. The type of diabetes that is more dangerous is a circumstantial matter. To explain that, you need to first understand both types of diabetes. People with Type 1 diabetes have a pancreas that is unable to create insulin and require frequent insulin injections to live, Type 2, on the other hand, have low insulin in their bodies and their cells are resistant to the insulin protein and they may or may not require insulin injections.
To be honest, people with Type 2 diabetes can control their diabetes symptoms by exercising properly and avoiding sugars and hence have a slight advantage over their Type 1 cousins. Type 1’s are at risk if they are in an environment without access to their daily dosage of insulin. Type 1 diabetes is overall harder to control. It requires a high level of self-regulation and slip-ups in diets and eating habits can have grave consequences. Both types of diabetes are equally harmful if the patient doesn’t take care of themselves and sugar comas are a common occurrence among diabetics who fail to regulate themselves.
Overall, no diabetes is dangerous if it is taken care of properly. You can stay alive, well, happy and healthy if you resist the temptation of eating every chocolate cake you see.