You can help another person to feel more confident by avoiding criticizing, blaming, or shaming them. Almost everyone will say something during an argument that will hurt another’s feelings and shake their confidence. For example, your husband may say something like, “You’re just like your mother and you’ll end up alone and lonely if you don’t change your ways.” You can also help by not trying to change your partner. This is so much easier to say than it is to do. And it goes together with not criticizing, blaming and shaming.
Unfortunately, we often criticize when we want someone to change. For example, you might tell your husband, “You’re such a slob. Why can’t you put your dishes in the sink (or dishwasher) instead of leaving them for me to clean-up?!” And, most importantly, find ways to offer praise, gratitude, and appreciation for the other person’s general qualities, rather than particular accomplishments.