The filleted Finney is a smoked haddock, which is a type of fish that belongs to the cod family. It is a saltwater fish from the family Gadidae. Haddock is also the most preferred white fish for smoking; therefore, it is often smoked and sold as filleted Finney or finnan haddie.
Haddock are mostly found on both sides of the North Atlantic. Haddock often feeds on invertebrates (bottom-dwelling such as worms, crustaceans, sea urchins, mollusks and many more) and other fishes (smaller fishes) such as herring. I hope this helps.
Do you know what a filleted Finney is? This is a type of saltwater fish that is also known as smoked haddock. Do you know what a haddock is? Some people may not be too familiar with this and this is not too surprising especially since there are so many types that are available.
This is a type of cod that is normally found in the northern part of the Atlantic ocean. If you would like to cook smoked haddock, you can pair it up with other vegetables that will help enhance its taste. There are some people who particularly like eating the haddock with buttered broccoli or zucchini that has been stir-fried in garlic and butter.