The correct answer to this question is the larynx. It can be found at the top of the neck and it is an organ. Its nickname, the voicebox, comes from the fact that this is the organ that produces sound. The larynx houses the vocal folds and these folds are how the volume and pitch of sound are controlled.
Other functions of the larynx include helping with breathing and protecting against food aspiration occurring in the trachea. Along with the aforementioned vocal fold, there is another fold in the larynx. It is called vestibular folds, also known as false vocal folds. They are on top, while vocal folds are at the bottom.
The voice box is also known as the larynx. This is a tube that is about five centimeters long in adults. The size may be different for kids. This is located above the trachea and one of its main functions is to make sure that food will not get into the air passageway. Have you ever experienced eating and letting the food go down the wrong tube?
You may feel a burning pain every time this happens. The pain will seize but this can be an issue if this happens often. The larynx is also responsible for the regulation of people’s voice pitch and the volume of the voice. The larynx is obviously one of the most important parts of the respiratory system.