Are orchestras a fading artform? - ProProfs Discuss

Are orchestras a fading artform?

Are orchestras a fading artform?

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Asked by I. Muller, Last updated: Jul 15, 2024

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1 Answer

K. Myers

K. Myers

K. Myers
K. Myers, Blogger, Chicago

Answered Sep 03, 2018

Orchestra has became a fading artform. Many orchestras have folded up. This is mainly due to a decrease in the demand for orchestra. Most young adult see orchestra as old-fashioned so they prefer to spend their leisure on other things. This has not only affected orchestra, it has affected performing art as a whole. Over half of those that go to orchestra these days are the elderly.

Running an orchestra is very expensive and they do not make much money from their performances. Even with the support of the government, it is still expensive to run an orchestra group.

In conclusion, orchestras are fading out because of the decrease in demand for them and decrease in revenue to run them.

For orchestras to remain relevant, it must recognize the need to change with time.

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