As far as I am concerned, elephant riding is unethical. Elephants are not meant for the purpose of riding. These are wild animals and unlike, dogs or horses, they have never been domesticated. However, some people think elephants can be domesticated and it is okay to take rides on these animals. Trust me, it’s not ethical.
Putting elephants in captivity is brutal and painful. For riding purposes, elephants are kept behind bars, controlled with large sticks and chains, and often forced to perform dangerous and stressful activities. During this process, they get injured or face fatal injuries which can sometimes be life-threatening.
Do you know, Intrepid Travel completely abolished elephant riding in the year 2014? This is only because elephants get harmed or injured whenever tourists go on a ride. Why do people need elephants to see and feel the beauty of nature? They can simply do it by other means.
If you really want to explore more about elephants, just visit wildlife sanctuaries, reserved forests, and grasslands.