Bose-Einstein condensate occurs when a low-density gas is frozen at a fraction about absolute zero temperatures. When this happens, the atoms basically freeze and act as one. Some characteristics of Bose-Einstein condensate include the fact that they can slow light down and it breaks properties of chemistry by allowing atoms to occupy the same space at the same time regardless of their charges. If one was to compare BEC to any other state of matter, it could be compared as the opposite to plasma.
Experiments have proven that Bone Einstein Condensate has many interesting characteristics. It can have a very high gradient in optical density. Its large fraction of particles occupy the same, namely the lowest energy state. Another important property is called coherence. Also, quantum mechanical tunneling. It means that a small fraction of the Condensate tunnels through this barrier.
A classical particle could not overcome that. The Josephson Effect always occurs when a weak link separates two macroscopic quantum objects. As atoms cool, they act more like waves and less like particles. Waves expand and overlap. Similar to steam condensing on a lid when it is boiled, water clumps together to form a drop of water. The same occurs with atoms; only it is their waves that merge.