Warning my comments are long cuz I get real
It’s really easy to start to like each other, and the feelings can come out ofnowhere!Every guy-girl relationship, one of them wonders about something more than friendship.
When that happens, you need to ask yourself some questions. The answer is different for each person, but here are some questions that I hope may help you figure out what to do.
1. Do I like this person?
We can develop feelings for almost anyone. So I would suggest that you dig in deep into your feelings and speculate as to why you like them.
2. How long have I liked this person?
Feelings may come go. Is it someoneyou've genuinely admired for a long time? Sometimes these feelings are just a rush of uncontrolled emotions.
3. What do my friends and parents think of this person?
Ask your friends and parents if they think it would be wise for you to pursue a relationship with your friend. It's good to get advice from people that care about you.
If you decide you want to let your friend know that you like him or her:
Try to do so in a no-pressure situation. Be honest and straightforward about how you feel, but don’t put any pressure on your friend.
If you decide to stay “just friends”:
This is where it’s important to guard your heart and mind. Stay careful and don't flow away in your feelings.