He may do many good things and still be a narcissist. He would want to do things that make him feel like a good person, otherwise his self-image would be damaged. If he is a narcissist, self-image is of the utmost importance to him. While he is thinking about this, he won't be thinking about you.
Do you mind? Try asking him to do something you consider 'good' and see if he will do it 'for you'. That's a fair test of friendship, provided the 'good thing' is ethical, e.g. delivering a parcel to a friend who lives a little way away.
Narcissists are abusers. They hurt and use others to their selfish advantage. Often, they bring others down as a way of bringing themselves up, and this is what makes them dangerous. If narcissists were good people, they wouldn't use and abuse the way they do. Most narcissists are incapable of having a real relationship with someone unless they are getting something out of it, narcissists are not interested in knowing and caring about others. Most of the time, narcissists do not see a problem with their behavior or their lack of empathy towards others.
Because of this, narcissists are often unwilling to change. They often exaggerate their accomplishments, demand praise, and destroy the achievements of others because narcissists are only concerned with looking better than others. They typically believe they are entitled to everything, including your self-esteem.