Believe it or not, many people find playing the guitar as easy as A, B, C once you learned it. The most difficult part of learning it is teaching your fingertips to hardly press down the notes in the fretboard. Pressing firmly the chords down gives a fuller sound that you need to feel more natural to you.
Reading chords may be difficult at first for you will only see them as dots on lines but once you get the hang of it, you will learn to play new songs. Playing the guitar involves strumming and plucking the strings.
Usually, guitar players learned to strum first as it is easier to play together with the beat than plucking each note. But do not worry, for you can learn to pluck with consistent practice.
Anyone can learn how to play the guitar. It is easier for some than others. It depends on some things. Whether or not you grew up surrounded by music, whether or not you have an ear for music, or if you have ever played an instrument before also helps. The amount of time you will have to invest learning and practicing will determine how long it takes you to master each lesson.
You must practice consistently to feel comfortable with it. Playing the guitar will also involve learning new hand and finger movements. You will need to strengthen muscles you usually do not use. You will also have to learn very precisely, coordinated finger movements as well. It takes time, patience, and training to become good.