There is no age limit to get cancer. In fact, people’s risk of getting cancer increases as people grow older. There are kids who are very young who are already diagnosed with certain forms of cancer. Most people who get cancer are more at risk of getting the condition when they are 55 years old and above.
The risk increases, even more, when people reach the age of 70 because this is the time when the immune system becomes even weaker. There are always different factors that may affect how prone people are to getting this condition. Some may get it because it is in their genes. For others, they get it because they do not follow a healthy lifestyle.
People can suffer from cancer at any age but according to some reports, cancer can be more common for people who are over the age of 70. There are also a lot of people who develop cancer at the age of 50 and above. Some children get various types of cancer too and it is usually harder for them and their parents.
Age is clearly one of the factors that increase the risk of acquiring cancer but as to why researchers still do not have any idea why. This is something that will probably become clearer in the future but as of now, age is a factor. Other factors for acquiring cancer is exposure to sun and an unhealthy diet.