Initially, video making was considered as an extra part of the photography process. However, over the years photography has developed on its own while videography is a whole other concept. Nowadays photography is associated with capturing still images and processing them. Videos on the other hand are completely different and involve different capturing techniques, editing techniques and displays.
All of this goes to say that photography and making videos is not the same thing at all. They are two different concepts that are linked with the same hardware. However, there function, presentation and mechanism of action are all different.
The thing here in trying to make an association or comparison is that photography is for still images where video making is for motion picture and movie making. Photography certainly gave inspiration to video making. Movies in the early days were called motion pictures. They were a series of pictures that would be put together to make a movie.
These days though you just could not say that photography is a part of video making because they are two entirely different styles, disciplines, and processes. There is a lot more editing and presentation parts that comes to video making as opposed to taking a picture. You could say that video making is part of photography but in my strongest opinion I would dispute that. The evolution of today's technology and the world of video making and photo making and editing, I believe that video making and photography are two entirely different things.