Just because one person has come to power calling himself a Republican, relying on the baser aspects of his followers' personalities, it does not mean that Republicanism itself should be disbanded. What is most dangerous is a one-party state. If you have a democracy there must be two or more parties, and the discussion/debate between their ideas and ruling intentions should inform those with a vote about the viability of otherwise of that party's political plans.
It is worth looking at what is good in Republican thinking and considering the contribution of Republicans who have served their country well. This is as valuable as looking at what is abhorrent and needs to end. Is it Republicanism or one aspect of it, or one person highlighting the less ethical and humane aspects of Republican policies?
A lot of people are saying that this party does not deserve to lead the country. This is said to be irrelevant already since the democratic party is getting more attention. The Republicans are supposed to be very conservative but what is the point of vying for the Republicans when they do not have anything new to offer to people. A lot of people would rather choose the other party over the Republicans because they are expandable.
Some people are hoping that with the abolition of one party, the rest of the parties would also be destroyed. This may lead to a more uniform, a more united, United States of America. Who knows? This might actually happen in the future.