Religious groups in the US led the country in a belief that poverty, crime, physical abuse and child neglect all stemmed from excessive use of alcohol. Abstinence was seen as godliness. Proponents of abolition saw their first step as prohibition: if they could prevent alcohol reaching the populace, drinking would stop and then so would the crisis.
It was a naiive view that alcohol was the major cause of most personal and social problems/ The abolitionists were joined by the women's suffrage movement. Domestic abuse probably increased their desire to stop men drinking. Prohibition didn't work well. Producing alcohol in the US reduced commercially. People could drink privately and at home, and there was no law stopping them from making their own alcohol, which they did.
There are different reasons why prohibition was implemented at that time. It was really thought to be a good idea in the beginning until its effects started to take place. These are the reasons for prohibition: first, it would increase the sales of barley since people would need this grain more than ever. Second, it was thought that consuming alcohol is against the will of God.
Third, people felt that it was wrong for them to enjoy the effects of alcohol when a lot of men were at war and finding for the country’s rights. Lastly, the prohibition was started because the Americans thought that it was making the national mood quite different from what they wanted it to be. It was something that a lot of people wanted that time without realizing what the effects could be.