It is a confusing time for his fans because no one should get away with domestic violence just because they are famous, but some fans actually believe Amber is just making it up to get money from him. Mr. Depp himself is a casualty of violent abuse.
Heard previously been arrested and spent the night in jail for domestic abuse arrest and Heard was admitted to multiple violent attacks against Johnny Depp that caused severe injury. Also, she violated a confidentiality agreement by doing a PSA about domestic violence, which some people believed she did it to make Depp look like he is the villain.
There are a lot of people who feel that Amber Heard is still in the wrong in her situation with Johnny Depp. Some even say that she is the reason why some people do victim-blaming all the time. Amber Heard filed for divorce because of domestic violence. Johnny Depp is the star and it is very common that people will take his side but do remember that when Heard settled out-of-court, she donated the money that she received to different charities and organizations.
She proved that she did not want the money. She just wanted to be out of an abusive relationship which she supposedly had with Depp. Take note that they both said that they did not lie about their statements so the things that they have described may have actually transpired. No one will know for sure about the two of them what the truth actually is.