Will Donald Trump bring America down? I think there is little doubt that he already has brought the name of America down in the eyes of many countries in the world. He is regarded as holding values that cannot be admired regarding race, women, truth, openness, nepotism and global well-being.
However, he is loved by thousands of innocent people who are inspired by the idea of America becoming great, increasing its economy and employment at whatever cost to the environment or world peace. His followers are not those who would normally read up on such matters as global warning and are easily swayed by Trump's pretending adverse comments about his actions are 'fake news'.
This is a typical manoevre of sociopaths, and it is interesting that Russia;s Putin uses the same tactics when his unethical actions are publicised. Trump is likely to remain in power while there are sufficient rural poor desperate to improve their lot. History books will keep his name alive as it has Pontius Pilate's.